Tag Archives: Faculty of Health

International experts publish guidelines for cardiac rehab in developing countries

 TORONTO, May 16, 2016 – Life-saving cardiac rehab programs are not being offered in countries where heart disease is the biggest killer. A panel of experts has now released a statement recommending how all the key elements of these programs can be delivered in an affordable way, in the places where it is needed most. […]

Blending therapies improves treatment of severe anxiety: York U researcher

Blending therapies improves treatment of severe anxiety: York U researcher TORONTO, March 22, 2016 – Motivating willingness to change is important in treating a person with severe worry. For this, integrating motivational interviewing (MI) techniques into the commonly practised cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the ideal option, a study led by a York University researcher reveals. “Our […]

York U researcher available on furries & their lifestyle

TORONTO, March 18, 2016 – Hundreds of people dressed up as fictional animal characters with human characteristics (anthropomorphic beings) will attend an annual convention in Toronto, March 18 to 20. Furnal Equinox is a gathering of furries — people interested in anthropomorphic animals or creatures. While fans create a community of like-minded individuals, the mainstream […]

Dangerous driving puts kids at higher risk of getting hit during school drop-offs

TORONTO, January 20, 2015 — Dangerous driving when dropping children off at schools may put kids at increased risk of getting injured in the vicinity of their schools, a recent York University and The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) study indicates. “Though dangerous driving behaviour near schools is often witnessed and reported, such incidents are […]

Women attend less than half of cardiac rehab sessions even with tailored programs: York U – UHN study

TORONTO, December 9, 2015 — Even with cardiac rehab (CR) programs tailored to their needs, women heart patients miss more than half of the sessions prescribed to them, according to a joint study by York University and the University Health Network (UHN). “However, they may adhere more to a CR program and benefit from it, […]