Innovations in undergraduate education the focus of York U event


TORONTO, May 7, 2012 - The ways in which undergraduate students learn – and want to learn – are changing, according to speakers at an upcoming event at York University. On May 9, they will discuss how a number of innovative eLearning, experiential education and first-year transition projects are improving the student experience at York.

The projects range from using Skype to connect with students in a refugee camp to easing first-year students into university with an online enrolment appointment to course-based peer mentoring. In all, 39 projects were funded this year through the Academic Innovation Fund, established by Patrick Monahan, vice-president academic and provost, to improve the student experience through the use of technology (eLearning), experiential education opportunities, and initiatives to ensure the success of first-year students.

David Trick, a former assistant deputy minister for postsecondary education in the provincial government, and former vice-provost of the University of Guelph-Humber, will address why universities need to transform undergraduate education to better meet the needs of current and future students. (9:30am)

Tricia Seifert, an assistant professor in the Higher Education program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, will speak about what research has found about enhancing the first-year student experience, and will share best practices from other universities. (2:15pm)

Highlights of the day include:

Engaged learning through technology (9:45am -10:45am)
Development of an eLearning program for the Faculties of Health and Liberal Arts & Professional Studies.

Fostering engaged learning through experiential education (11am-12pm)
Experiential education in the Faculty of Health and in Osgoode Hall Law School.
Business & Public Administration internship program.

Enhancing new student transition to York (2:30-3:30pm)
New student enrolment appointment online
The HealthAid Network: course-based peer mentorship program in the Faculty of Health

WHAT:              Teaching & Learning Innovation – the Academic Innovation Fund

WHEN:             Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 8:30am-4pm

WHERE:           Tribute Communities Recital Hall, Accolade East, York University

Building 92 on map:


Media Contact:
Janice Walls, Media Relations, York University, 416 736 2100 x22101 /