H1N1 influenza threat abates but York U still vigilant


TORONTO, May 25, 2009 -- Although the World Health Organization pandemic alert regarding the spread of H1N1 influenza (human swine flu) remains at phase five, the number of new reported cases appears to be in decline and some countries, including Canada, have begun to ease measures that restrict travel.


WHO Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, has indicated that the virus may have given countries in the northern hemisphere a “grace period,” but that a threat could reemerge with the fall season.


Toronto Public Health continues to monitor emerging information on the H1N1 influenza virus, which is currently circulating in Canada; however, the spread has not led to an emergency situation.


The York U administration also continues to actively monitor the influenza outbreak and maintains regular contact with local public health agencies.


That said, York officials encourage all community members, including students, faculty and staff, to practice proper hygiene by thoroughly washing and drying their hands, and by practicing coughing etiquette – coughing and sneezing into your sleeve – NOT into your hands – to help to lessen the spread of germs. 


Wall-mounted hand sanitizers have been installed throughout the University's academic buildings and residences in areas of high pedestrian traffic to aid in these measures.


Anyone experiencing flu-like symptoms is advised to stay home.  In this case, community members are encouraged to contact their health care provider or call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.


The University has a comprehensive pandemic management plan in place and information on the H1N1 influenza outbreak will continue to be posted on this web site.


York's Pandemic Resources:

The University's pandemic webpage outlines pandemic planning measures in the York U community and updates relating to H1N1 flu. 


Other resources to use:
York's Health Education, Student Community & Leadership Development - 416.736.2100, ext. 55196
Health Services @ York
York's Health Education and Promotion

Toronto Public Health
Occupational Health & Safety - 416.736.5491
York U Emergency Preparedness Office - 416.736.5258



York University is the leading interdisciplinary research and teaching university in Canada. York offers a modern, academic experience at the undergraduate and graduate level in Toronto, Canada’s most international city. The third largest university in the country, York is host to a dynamic academic community of 50,000 students and 7,000 faculty and staff, as well as more than 200,000 alumni worldwide. York’s 11 faculties and 24 research centres conduct ambitious, groundbreaking research that is interdisciplinary, cutting across traditional academic boundaries. This distinctive and collaborative approach is preparing students for the future and bringing fresh insights and solutions to real-world challenges. York University is an autonomous, not-for-profit corporation.





Alex Bilyk

Director, Media Relations

York University

416-736-2100 ext. 55603,