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Parissa Safai

Expert in Sociology of sport, health and social inequality


Faculty of Health - School of Kinesiology & Health Science

Chair, School of Kinesiology and Health Science

Norman Bethune College - BC
Keele Campus
Phone: 416-316-2032

For more information go to

Faculty of Health Profile
PrevNet Profile
SLRC Profile
The Globe and Mail - Faster, stronger – deadlier: Why do elite athletes sneer at risk and tempt the gods, and why do we encourage them?
YouTube - The Social Determinants of Athlete’s Health; Understanding The Relationship Between Health and High Performance Sports
YouTube - Gender Inequality in Sport


Faculty of Health Service Award (Early Career) - 2013
York University

Dean's Faculty, Service & Engagement Impact – Established Career Award - 2020
York University


International Sociology Sport Association
President, 2024-2028

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