Mediator confirms no talks scheduled between York, CUPE 3903


TORONTO, December 1, 2008 -- Below is the text of a statement by the mediator in the labour negotiations between York University and CUPE 3903. The statement is reproduced here in its entirety:

"For Release By the Parties. 8:30 p.m. December 1, 2008

The mediator has advised the parties that although there has been some movement in recent days, the parties remain far apart on the key issues in this dispute and that a settlement is not close at hand.

Therefore, there are no further negotiations scheduled at this time.

The mediator has asked the parties to review their respective positions and will remain in contact with the parties with a view to returning to the bargaining table if and when a reasonable prospect for settlement exists.

Greg Long
Ontario Ministry of Labour"

A detailed costing by the University of CUPE 3903's outstanding demands as of Saturday November 29, 2008 can be found here