Statement of the Ontario University Chancellors on importance of higher education, value of liberal arts


TORONTO, August 9, 2004 -- Recently a number of current and former chancellors of Ontario's universities gathered in Toronto for an informal discussion. The meeting brought together a group of distinguished Canadians from many walks of life who share a tremendous pride in the institutions for which they serve as titular heads and a great hope for the future of university education in the province.

Following their meeting, the chancellors said:

  • The current public policy focus on higher education as symbolized by the establishment of an advisory panel chaired by former premier Rae in Ontario, and by the federal government research initiatives is welcome given the fundamental importance of universities.  The contributions made by universities need to be recognized and extended.
  • Because of the positive, social and economic impact of universities, and the clear and lasting benefits to students, the goal of increasing the proportion of Ontario's population enrolled in universities should be a high priority.  In particular, opportunities for students to pursue graduate-level studies should be expanded.
  • The liberal arts and sciences must continue to be at the forefront of university education and an essential part of the preparation for future generations of leaders.  A well-rounded, general education promotes values and develops skills that are essential to societal well being. The ability to think, to write and to express one's ideas clearly is as valuable to future employability as technical or technological training.
  • No better investment can be made than in high quality, accessible university education.  To meet their responsibilities, the province's universities need enhanced funding.  It is in everyone's interest that the funding challenges facing universities be addressed. Whatever funding mechanisms are in place, they should permit universities themselves to manage enrolment demand while maintaining a varied and forward-looking curriculum and program of research for a diverse student body.
  • Ontario's universities and their students have our respect and deserve our support.  We must work together to ensure that universities can build on their achievements and fulfill their promise.

 The Chancellors of Ontario Universities



For further information, please contact:

Bob Everett

Nancy White

University Secretariat

Director, Media Relations

York University

York University




Attached: List of current and former chancellors

Current Chancellors
Brock University: Dr. Raymond Moriyama
Carleton University: Dr. Marc Garneau
Guelph University: The Hon. Lincoln Alexander
Lakehead University: Dr. Lorne G. Everett
Laurentian University: Mme. Maureen Lacroix
McMaster University: Dr. Mel Hawkrigg
Nipissing University: Mr. David Liddle
University of Ottawa: Dr. Huguette Labelle
Queen's University: Mr. Charles Baillie
Ryerson University: Mr. John Craig Eaton
Trent University: Dr. Roberta Bondar
University of Toronto: The Hon. Vivienne Poy
University of Waterloo: Dr. Mike Lazaridis
University of Western Ontario: Mr. Arthur Labatt
University of Windsor: Dr. Eric Jackman
Wilfrid Laurier University: The Hon. Bob Rae
York University: The Hon. Justice Peter Cory

Former Chancellors
Carleton University: Dr. Arthur Kroeger
Lakehead University: The Hon. Lois Wilson
Queen's University: The Hon. Peter Lougheed
University of Toronto: The Hon. Henry N.R. Jackman
University of Western Ontario: Ms. Eleanor Clitheroe
University of Western Ontario: Mr. Peter Godsoe
Wilfrid Laurier University: Mr. John Cleghorn
York University: Dr. Avie Bennett